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Nicki Minaj backed away from her spandex booty shorts, and slipped into some conservatively chic apparel for one of the two covers of the the autumn issue of Dazed & Confused magazine.
On the first cover of the double issue, the 31-year-old rapper sits at a white table with a jar of mayonnaise as if she’s getting ready to make a sandwich.
Minaj is styled in a classic bubble gum pink tweed Chanel blazer, with her dark hair in a shoulder-length bob. Serving the camera a reserved and stoic glare, the look is a far cry from the neon wigs and bright makeup she made her signature in the past.
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For the second cover, the rapper dons a gold satin bustier with matching knickers underneath a raincoat and bright green rain boots.
In the midst of her many Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week appearances, Minaj announced that her long awaited third album, The Pinkprint, is coming out on Nov. 24.