Stranger Things is an American science fiction horror drama television series created by the Duffer Brothers, who also serve as showrunners and are executive producers along with Shawn Levy and Dan Cohen. The first season was released on Netflix on July 15, 2016. Its second, third, and fourth seasons followed in October 2017, July 2019, and May and July 2022, respectively. In February 2022, the series was renewed for a fifth and final season.
An iconic creepy home from Netflix’s "Stranger Things" is now for sale, listed for $1.5 million in a small Georgia city.
The 140-year-old Victorian home in Rome, Georgia, was featured in the hit show's fourth season and contains 6,000-square-feet, plus a guest house, of spooky grandeur. The Floyd County home is in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains, per USA Today.
The current owners have restored the home to its original elaborate Victorian architecture, which still contains many of its original details – including handcrafted built-in bookshelves, cabinetry, moldings and a custom buffet. The home features an antique wall safe, beautiful chandeliers and a cast iron urinal.
The seven bedrooms and seven bathrooms home is surrounded by one-acre of land and has been a source of pride for residents in the community long before it gained recognition through "Stranger Things,” listening agent Jeb Arp of Toles, Temple & Wright, INC.
"It's certainly a unicorn in Rome given the unique blend of its age, craftsmanship, condition and connection to pop culture," Arp said.
In the show, Victor Creel's home appears in flashbacks from the 50's and later becomes a central location in the finale, where the main characters use a portal in the house to enter the Upside Down, save their friends and try to destroy Vecna.
The 140-year-old home was purchased in 2019 by unknown buyers for $350,000, who restored it to its current pristine condition. It was originally built in 1882 by Col. Hamilton Yancey, according to Zillow, and at one point operated as a thriving bed and breakfast, according to CNET.
"Lightyears away from the Upside Down, the home, with its splendor and grand modernization, awaits her next stewards," the Zillow listing reads. "The home is located less than five miles from the Ford Buildings at Berry College, which provided the backdrop for the series' Pennhurst Mental Hospital."
If the Creel house doesn't tickle your fancy, the Byers house, which is located in Fayetteville, Georgia, also went up for sale in September at a more accessible price point of $300,000.
If you can't afford either home, don't worry. You can attend Stranger Things Day on Nov. 6 -- the day Will Byers went missing -- to see Stranger Things Season 4: Volume 2 on the big screen, as Netflix is hosting screenings for fans across the country on Sunday.