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Doublemint made its gum famous through commercials and advertisements that feature smiling twins. They've done so since 1939. Being another person's replica would be an amazing way to go through life, don't you agree? Oh, the things you could get away with! We all love to see photos of rare people that just so happen to look exactly like someone else. This article takes the fun of looking at pictures like the ones Doublemint made famous to an entirely different place; a magical place full of wonder and excitement.

Did you know that some of our most loved celebrities have their own Disney twin? It's true — no really — read on and see for yourself if you don't believe me. What's beyond weird is there are Disney's characters that really do look just like several of our favorite celebs; both past and present. Some of the resemblances are downright uncanny.

In 1928, Oswalt the Lucky Rabbit became Disney's first cartoon creation. Nobody in this article looks like Oswalt, so don't worry. That's the only clue I'm going to give you! Over the course of time, Disney has created a character that most people relate to and feel is much like themselves. Maybe that's you, a middle-aged man with Peter Pan syndrome, or Snow White growing wrinkly by the day, still waiting for your Prince Florian. Those of us who identify with a Disney character may not look like one, but the celebs in this article sure do!

Justin Bieber And His Twin Peter Pan

What person do you think could play Peter Pan better than Justin Bieber? I'm going to assume your running short on answers to that question... especially after you look at this side by side Disney doppelgänger photo. They look darn near identical, don't they? An article by list25 shared some fun facts about Peter Pan that included how the magical fairy dust was introduced. They said,"originally Peter Pan could fly without the help of fairy dust. Unfortunately, that led children to believe that if they tried hard enough, they too could take to the skies too. After several injury reports, JM Barrie added: "fairy dust" as a necessity for flying." Not only will we never fly like Peter, but we'll never be as famous as the Biebs, either.

Blake Lively Makes A Great Sleeping Beauty

If you had to guess which Disney character Blake Lively should be cast for in a Disney movie, which character do you think it would be? Naturally, a Princess, right? She'd even make one hell of a Sleeping Beauty as this photo suggests. Her answer isn't one that you would expect from an actress who is so adorned for her infinite amount of beauty, though. When asked what character she'd play, Lively responded, “Minnie Mouse!” She revealed that information in a video for Variety’s Power of Women New York issue. When asked about the part, she replied before laughing, “I’d be a terrible Minnie Mouse, though.” Well, if Minnie Mouse doesn't work out for her there's always Sleeping Beauty. They sure do look similar!

Lily Cole And Princess Merida

Lily Cole could be doppelgängers to Disney Princess Merida. Just have a look at the two of them side by side. Lily, who's often mentioned as one of the most famous Supermodels of the 2000s, does look like a double to Disney's Princess Merida of DunBroch. Merida is the eleventh Disney Princess and marks Pixar's first move into the Disney Princess franchise. Lily Cole may not be a Princess, but she gets as close as any supermodel's going to. Their curly red hair is fantastic too, right? The celeb loves her job and is quoted saying "I love modelling but also see it as a platform for the million other things I want to achieve and create in life." It looks like the possibilities for these two are endless.

Amanda Seyfried Could Be Rapunzel

Ask people all over the web, and they're likely going to say the actress that looks the most like a Disney character is Amanda Seyfried. She's been compared to the Princess that's featured in Disney's film Tangled more than once. Amanda is quoted saying, "I've auditioned for roles that involved voice, but I don't like it. I feel like, 'I can't do this in front of you.' It seems so separate-- I don't share it with a lot of people. And I'm not into public performances." It looks like we'll only get to see, and hear, the actress in non-animated movies. That won't stop us from saying that Amanda Seyfried is the human version of Princess Rapunzel and most definitely could be her twin.

Kim Kardashian and Princess Jasmine

In 2009, Kim Kardashian got all decked out in her Halloween costume and showed everyone why she's thrown into the same conversation with a certain Disney character named Princess Jasmine. This photo may have been taken years ago, but the similarities are still quite evident. Kim was quoted in 2009 saying, “I’ve been wanting to go as [Princess Jasmine] for years and found the perfect costume,” Kim wrote in her blog post. “I went all out with my Disney theme this year and also got a Snow White outfit that I wore to Kendall‘s birthday!” I'm sure the guests at that party were happy to see her show up in either of those two costumes.

Megan Fox As The Evil Queen 

Megan Fox can be most men's Evil Queen if she wants to. She does look like the famously horrible, deceitful, heartless, Disney characters twin, doesn't she? Here's to hoping the real-life version isn't as evil as the story version. When Disney studios were shopping the role of the Evil Queen around for the Snow White film, they coveted Charlize Theron (Snow White) and Julia Roberts (Evil Queen). Julia Roberts went on to play the role but could it have been the dark-haired bombshell Megan Fox who was disappointingly overlooked? Casual, internet surfers seem to think so, and have compared the looks of the famous Disney character to the Hollywood actress for years now. Could the Evil Queen be the sultry celebs doppelgänger? Looks like it.

Scarlett Johansson As Cinderella

Here's a photo shot by Annie Leibovitz for Disney's Dream Portrait Series. It's of Scarlett Johansson on the steps of the Soldiers - Sailors Memorial located on New York’s Riverside Drive with a digitally imposed Disney World’s Castle behind her. It's a great photograph. It's a work of art and demonstrates yet again that Disney's faithful fans would love to see (at some point) Scarlett play the role of Cinderella. As you can see by this photo, the two look very much the same. Red lipstick, hair, with blue eyes just to name a few similarities. They both also have a fair skin tone. The famous Hollywood vixen has yet to play the role of her Disney character doppelgänger.

Chris Hemsworth Looks Like John Smith

John Smith first appeared in the 1995 Disney movie Pocahontas. The English explorer may not be the first person you think of when you think of that movie, but that's ok. Nobody is going to fault you're reminded of the first Disney Princess to be based on an actual person. John Smith isn't the only guy who's a great warrior, though. Chris Hemsworth makes a pretty badass warrior of his own in his depiction of Thor. Both onscreen beast and lovable Disney character have more in common than just how they spend their time. Both of them happen to look very similar, don't they? If a person was to draw Chris Hemsworth as a Disney character, there's no doubt it would come out looking like the Disney character John Smith.

Princess Elsa And Anna Look Like The Olson Twins

Look at that; it's two famous twins that look like two Disney sisters. Elsa, the Snow Queen, first appeared with her older sister Anna in the 2013 Walt Disney Animated Studios movie Frozen. A movie that at last count grossed over a billion dollars at the box office! Created by Jennifer Lee and Chris buck the story of Elsa closely resembles a character known as the Snow Queen in old Danish fairytales. Elsa's sister, Princess Anna Of Arendelle, is the non-blond sister of Elsa, much like Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Twins that just so happen to be twins to Disney characters. Who would have thought? Does that make them quadruplets? Regardless, it's hard to deny that the famous twins do bear a striking resemblance.

Beyonce Looks Like Princess Tiana

Alicia Keys gladly auditioned for the role of the first black Disney Princess ever and unfortunately failed to get the role. What a bummer, huh? That's a far cry from a woman who's been called "Queen B" throughout the years. Apparently, uber-famous recording artist Beyonce Knowles was disinterested. Casting director Jen Rudin revealed that Beyonce refused to audition for the lead in the "Princess And The Frog." Can you believe that; passing up the chance to be your Disney character doppelgänger? The director also said in 2013 that "Beyonce expected an offer, but wouldn’t audition, and so she didn’t get one." That's too bad because not only would she have made a good Princess Tiana but the two could be sisters.

The Artist Formerly Known As Prince And Jafar 

There's nobody that looks like the late, great singer-songwriter Prince. Well, not anyone who's human, anyway. Prince has a look so unique to himself that to mirror his image you'd have to be an animated character. Disney Wiki reminds us on their website that, "Jafar's portrayed as an amoral psychopath who'll not hesitate to destroy anyone he perceives as a threat to his own sinister designs." These two may look like twins, but that doesn't mean they take after each other. The Artist Formerly Known As Prince may have been known to be a tad bit temperamental, but he wasn't sinister or devious. Unlike Jafar, he wasn't a psycho and is very much loved by those around the world in a positive way.

Tinker Bell Was Modelled After Marilyn Monroe?

It's widely believed that Disney's famous animated character Tinker Bell was created to look like Marilyn Monroe. The resemblance is pretty wild when you look at the photo. As rumor has it, that story isn't true. Marilyn wasn't a sex symbol at that time in the early 50s and had yet to make her wave in Hollywood. Creators of Tinker Bell said, "she (Tinker Bell) was designed with the knowledge that her acting would all be done in pantomime, with a face that would register her emotions clearly, a simple costume that would not clutter up her movements, and sex appeal to charm the viewer.” I'm pretty sure Marilyn Monroe fits the bill, but hindsight is 20-20. The story of Tinker Bell being modelled after Marilyn Monroe turns out to be false... for now.

Kelly Osbourne's Disney Doppelgänger Mad Madame Mim

Did you doubt that celebs have Disney character doppelgängers? Well, if you did, hopefully by now you've changed your view. In the case that you haven't made up your mind yet, maybe after seeing Kelly Osbourne and Disney's Mad Madame Mim, you'll come around. The two of them, as seen in this photo bear an uncanny resemblance to each other. Don't you think so? Disney Wiki states that "Mim was animated by two of Disney's legendary Nine Old Men, Milt Kahl (who also designed the character, refining storyboard sketches from Bill Peet), and Frank Thomas. Kahl animated her initial interaction with Arthur, while Thomas oversaw her famous "Wizards' Duel" with Merlin. It looks like Mad Mim's purple hairdo has stood the test of time.

Ian Somerhalder And His Twin Prince Eric

Known for his thick eyebrows, sky blue eyes and pronounced jawline Ian Somerhalder has drawn comparisons to a certain Disney Prince. Photoed side by side, the two do look awfully similar. Ian was raised in a small southern town in Louisiana named Covington. Disney character Prince Eric is from royalty so that you could say they're from opposite sides of the fence. Just because they're from different places, though, doesn't mean these two don't have multiple things in common. Besides looking the same, the handsome Disney animated character and his real-world twin both like to be out on the water. Prince Eric is an accomplished Mariner, and Eric spent much of his childhood outdoors boating and fishing too.

Chris Colfer And Pinocchio 

Actor Chris Colfer is best known for his time on the television show Glee, but it's hard to deny that he doesn't have his very own Disney character doppelgänger, huh? Just look at those two, they could be twins. Do you see their strikingly similar appearances? Pretty cool, huh? Oddly enough, I'm not sure that looking like Pinocchio, let alone being his human doppelgänger is a good thing, right? That might be a tough way to walk down the street. Hopefully, Chris didn't get bullied in school. Can you argue that Chris has a twin in Disney's animated character Pinocchio, though? What we do know is all of his partners are hoping the famous actor doesn't lie as much as his Disney twin does.
